Protein-Ligand Binding Free Energy Benchmarks via alchemiscale

Protein-Ligand Binding Free Energy Benchmarks via alchemiscale

User Instructions

To get started with alchemiscale, follow the steps below.

Use of the alchemiscale instance at https://api.alchemiscale.org will require a unique user identity+key; please reach out to @David Dotson if you need to use this instance and he will issue you these credentials. Please include in your request the organization(s) you will be submitting calculations for.


Create a conda environment on your workstation:

conda env create openforcefield/alchemiscale-client

You can also use mamba instead of conda above if you prefer a faster solver and have it installed, e.g. via mambaforge.

If this doesn’t work, clone alchemiscale from Github, and install from there:

git clone https://github.com/openforcefield/alchemiscale.git cd alchemiscale git checkout v0.1.4-1 conda env create -f devtools/conda-envs/alchemiscale-client.yml

Once installed, activate the environment:

conda activate alchemiscale-client

You may wish to install other packages into this environment, such as jupyterlab.

Installing on ARM-based Macs

If installing on an ARM-based Mac (M1, M2, etc.), you may need to use Rosetta. You can do this with the following steps:

Creating an AlchemicalNetwork

To create an AlchemicalNetwork, review this notebook and apply the same approach to your systems of interest: Preparing AlchemicalNetworks.ipynb

Note that there are currently two Protocols you can use:

  • openfe.protocols.openmm_rfe.RelativeHybridTopologyProtocol

  • perses.protocols.nonequilibrium_cycling.NonEquilibriumCyclingProtocol

Try each one out with default options for a start. Below are notes on settings you may find more optimal for each, however.

RelativeHybridTopologyProtocol usage notes

@Irfan Alibay notes that this protocol can get timing down to about ~4h per edge on Tyk2 on an NVIDIA 4070 TI with the following settings; we recommend these for production use with alchemiscale.:

NonEquilibriumCyclingProtocol usage notes

For production use of this protocol, we recommend the default settings:

On the use of HMR and hydrogen mass settings

By default the two protocols use hydrogen mass repartitioning (HMR) in order to achieve time steps of up to 4 fs. We have noticed that the choice of value (4.0 amu vs 3.0 amu) for mass repartitioning can impact simulation stability. We recommend in all cases to use 3.0 amu.

For now (gufe v0.7.2) the default is incorrectly set to 4.0 amu so we recommend users to set the following:

Submitting your AlchemicalNetwork to alchemiscale

Once you’ve defined an AlchemicalNetwork, you can submit it to the alchemiscale instance at https://api.alchemiscale.org. Create an AlchemiscaleClient instance with that URL and your user identity+key:

Choosing a Scope

Choose a Scope to submit your network to. A Scope is an org-campaign-project triple, and your user will have permissions to work within some of these. You can list your accessible Scopes with:

If you are an OpenFF user, you will likely see the Scope <Scope('openff-*-*')> among this list. This means that you can submit your network to any Scope matching that pattern, such as openff-my_special_campaign-tyk2_testing_1. A Scope without any wildcards ('*'), or a specific Scope, such as this is needed for submission. Create one with, e.g.:

Within a Scope, components of an AlchemicalNetwork are deduplicated against other components already present, allowing you to e.g. submit new AlchemicalNetworks sharing Transformations with previous ones and benefit from existing calculation results. If you prefer to have an AlchemicalNetwork not share any components with previously-submitted AlchemicalNetworks, then submit it into a different Scope, such as openff-my_special_campaign-tyk2_testing_2 as in the example above.

Submitting and retrieving a network

Submit your network:

This will return a ScopedKey uniquely identifying your AlchemicalNetwork. A ScopedKey is a combination of network.key and the Scope we submitted it to, e.g.:

You can pull the full network back down (even in another Python session) with:

You can always produce a ScopedKey from its string representation with ScopedKey.from-str(<scoped-key-str>), allowing for copy-paste from one session to another.

You can list all your accessible AlchemicalNetworks on the alchemiscale instance with:

and you can use these with get_network above to pull them down as desired.

Creating and actioning Tasks

Submitting an AlchemicalNetwork defines it on the alchemiscale server, but it does not define where to allocate effort in evaluating the Transformations in the network. To do this, we need to create and action Tasks on the Transformations we are most interested in.

For this example, we’ll loop through every Transformation in our AlchemicalNetwork, and create+action 3 Tasks for each:

A Task is associated with a Transformation on creation, and actioning the Task marks it for execution for our AlchemicalNetwork we submitted earlier. If we submit another AlchemicalNetwork including some of the same Transformations later to the same Scope, we could get the Tasks for each Transformation and only create new Tasks if necessary, actioning the existing ones to that AlchemicalNetwork as well:

The more AlchemicalNetworks a Task is actioned to, the higher its chances of being picked up by a compute service. In this way, actioning is an indicator of demand for a given Task and its corresponding Transformation.

About Tasks

Alchemiscale Tasks can be considered a single independent “repeat” of an alchemical transformation, or a ProtocolDAG as defined in gufe. What this exactly means will be subtly different depending on the type of alchemical protocol employed.

In the case of the RelativeHybridTopologyProtocol (i.e. for HREX, and SAMS), this effectively means that each Task carries out all the computation required to obtain a single estimate of the free energy (in practice one would want to do several repeats to get an idea of the sampling error).

In the case of the NonEquilibriumCyclingProtocol, a Task instead encompasses a non-equilibrium cycle and will return a single work estimate. The work values of multiple Tasks can then be gathered to obtain a free energy estimate, and more Tasks will improve the convergence of the estimate.

Getting the status of your Tasks

As you await results for your actioned Tasks, it’s often desirable to check their to ensure they are running or completing at the rate you expect. You can quickly obtain statuses for all Tasks associated with various levels, including:

  • Scope

  • AlchemicalNetwork

  • Transformation


For example, to get the status counts for all Tasks within a particular Scope, you could do:

For a specific Scope, this will give status counts of all Tasks within that exact Scope, assuming your user has permissions on it (see asc.list_scopes() for your accessible Scope space). For a non-specific Scope (like my_org-my_campaign-* above, this will give the aggregate status counts across the Scope space visible to your user under the given Scope.

Calling asc.get_scope_status() without arguments will default to the highest non-specific Scope of *-*-*.

To get the specific statuses of all Tasks in a given Scope, use the query_tasks method in combination with get_tasks_status:


You can get the status counts of all Tasks associated with Transformations within a given AlchemicalNetwork with:

Note that this will show status counts for all such Tasks, whether or not they have been actioned on the given AlchemicalNetwork.

To get the specific statuses of all Tasks for a given AlchemicalNetwork, use the get_network_tasks method in combination with get_tasks_status:


To get the status counts of all Tasks associated with only a given Transformation, use:

To get the specific statuses of all Tasks for a given Transformation, use the get_transformation_tasks method in combination with get_tasks_status:

Pulling and assembling results

A Protocol is attached to each Transformation, and that Protocol defines how each Task is computed. It also defines how the results of each Task (called a ProtocolDAGResult) are combined to give an estimate of the free energy difference for that Transformation.

We can check the status of a Transformation with:

If there are complete Tasks, we can pull in all successful ProtocolDAGResults for the Transformation and combine them into a ProtocolResult corresponding to that Transformation's Protocol with:

This object features a get_estimate and get_uncertainty method, giving the best available estimate of the free energy difference and its uncertainty.

To pull the ProtocolDAGResults and not combine them into a ProtocolResult object, you can give return_protocoldagresults=True to this method. Any number of ProtocolDAGResults can then be manually combined into a single ProtocolResult with:

This can be useful for subsampling the available ProtocolDAGResults and building estimates from these subsamples, such as for an analysis of convergence for the NonEquilibriumCyclingProtocol.

If you wish to pull results for only a single Task, you can do so with:

You can then iteratively create+action new Tasks on your desired Transformations based on their current estimate and uncertainty, allocating effort where it will be most beneficial.

Dealing with errors

If you observe many errored Tasks from running asc.get_transformation_status, you can introspect the traceback raised by the Task on execution. For a given Transformation, you can pull down all failed results and print their exceptions and tracebacks with:

This may give you clues as to what is going wrong with your Transformations. A failure may be a symptom of the environments the compute services are running with; it could also indicate some fundamental problems with the Transformations you are attempting to execute, and in this case trying to reproduce the error locally and experimenting with possible solutions is appropriate. You may want to try different Protocol settings, different Mappings, or try to adjust the components in your ChemicalSystems.

For a given Transformation, you can execute it locally with:

Note that for some Protocols, your local machine may need to meet certain requirements:

  • perses.protocols.nonequilibrium_cycling.NonEquilibriumCyclingProtocol: OpenEye Toolkit license, NVIDIA GPU if settings.platform == 'CUDA'

Re-running errored Tasks

If you believe an errored Task is due to a random failure (such as landing on a flaky compute host, or due to inherent stochasticity in the protocol itself), or due to a systematic failure that has been resolved (such as a misconfigured compute environment, now remediated), you can choose to set that Tasks status back to waiting. This will make it eligible for being claimed and executed again, perhaps succefully.

Given a set of Tasks you wish to set back to waiting, you can do:

Only Tasks with status error or running can be set back to waiting; it is not possible to set Tasks with status complete, invalid, or deleted back to waiting.

If you’re feeling confident, you could set all errored Tasks on a given AlchemicalNetwork with:

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