Stakeholders for System Object
OpenFF team
Matt Thompson
Lead System Object developer, Former Cummings group member and former lead GMSO developer
John Chodera
Michael Shirts
InterMol developer
Jeff Wagner
Cummings Group / MosDeF
Peter Cummings: lead of MosDeF, interested in generalizing the MosDeF capability, which a general system object could do.
Alex Yang: Former McCabe student and GMSO developer
has a full-time job but could provide some insight
Umesh Timalsina: Current GMSO developer, CS background
Ray Matsumoto: Cummings group student, GMSO developer
Co Quach: Cummings & McCabe student, GMSO developer
Other potential downstream stakeholders from the MoSDeF ecosystem
Ryan Defever/Ed Maginn - Cassandra Monte Carlo engine
Josh Anderson/Sharon Glotzer - HOOMD MD/HPMC engine
Peter Eastman has thought a lot about a system object, and designed the OpenMM data structure
AMBER community
David Case
Leads AMBER community long time commitment to interoperability interested in interoperability
Jason Swails
Lead ParmEd developer, now works other places but may be available to help design/comment.
Daniel Smith:
Leaving, but knows about history of MolSSI efforts in interoperability
Levi Naden:
Most relevant current person for interoperability at MolSSI
Yaser Afshar ( ), lead OpenKIM coder
Chris Bayly and Gaetano Calabro: Rely on ParmEd, and are worried for the future
Christoph Klein
Helped develop InterMol, likely to be able to give some comments
LAMMPS community?