CC – Main reason to sync up on this is to give DDotson a deadline for F@H project - When do we expect to start running protein-ligand benchmarks, and when do we need results? Big picture, first goal is to run these calcs once for benchmarking, but the bigger second goal is to have this automated to the extent that we can run it routinely. The big upcoming deadline is the NIH renewal in March. I’d argue that this won’t be necessary to have done for the NIH renewal in March - It’s of more interest to pharma partners.
JW: Relative value compared to NMR/xtal benchmarks?
DM – I don’t think it’ll matter that much unless we see dramatic improvement.
MG – Could be good to have a few runs showing that it’s not worse.
DM – The reviewers will probably have a prior assumption that, if this looks alright by other metrics, it’s not dramatically worse for PL binding calcs
MG – Would be good to loop in MShirts.
CC – That makes sense. This seems more important to the delivery of Rosemary than to the NIH goals.
MG – Do we have a deadline for Rosemary?
JW: I think whether graph charges will be included in Rosemary or not, and other parts should come together for Rosemary release. But, most of the work comes from Chapin’s protein FF.
MG – Do we have a rough window when we’ll expect it?
JW: I think first half of 2023 would be a potential window for final release.
DN – We’d discussed having an internal deadline that we wouldn’t advertise publicly, but haven’t put our foot down on a date
MG: PLB means David Hahn’s PLB?
CC – Yes, reproducing the Gapsys paper. However there’s a lot of discussion about streamlining/automating the
JW: To reproduce David Hahn’s work is difficult since some of the poses are curated by experts and we’re trying to streamline the workflow taking out as much human intervention as possible.
MG: I worked on the Merck fep-benchmark and I do see some implausible binding poses on some PLB.
DM – Yeah, all of these sets have strengths and weaknesses, which is why it’s important to put in community effort.
JW: I hear the bad poses will be replaced in near future with the OpenFE work. Right now a reproducible workflow is the main priority along with correcting poses, etc.
CC – Ok, I think the conclusion is that we won’t aim to have the protein-ligand benchmarks in place by March.
JW – Let’s offer a “need by” date of January.
CC – That sounds good. Then if things take 3 months to run, they’ll be done by April.
PB – So that’s expecting a release candidate FF by January?
JW – The difference
JW: I think we wanted to run ff14sb+gaff, ff14sb+sage, rosemary rc1, final rosemary version on F@H.
CC – I remember deciding to run the NMR benchmarks using ff14SB and the Rosemary release candidate, and that if we had additional compute we’d do more sampling/more systems rather than more force fields.
CC – The previous iteration of PLBenchmarks used CGENFF and OPLS. Will we do those as well?
MRS: are we planning to run them on OpenMM, or something like GROMACS (can take advantage of CPUs, which OpenMM cannot).
MRS: What if any FF are we planning to compare to (if this is already written up, just point me to the project page!)