2023-03-21 Protein-ligand benchmarks meeting notes


  • @Jeffrey Wagner

  • @John Chodera

  • @Richard Gowers

  • @Mike Henry

  • @David W.H. Swenson

  • Jenke Scheen

  • @David Dotson

  • @Iván Pulido

Recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1N0SRMbYhq57eXKkufy6tfh8BXpgI-fgr/view?usp=share_link


  • DD : sprint retrospective

    • Review Done cards

      • what went well?

      • what didn’t?

      • what do we need to improve our approach?

  • DD : next sprint begins tomorrow, spans 3/22 - 4/3

    • architecture overview : PL Benchmarks on FAH - Architecture v6.drawio

    • alchemiscale 0.1.0 milestone

    • coordination board : alchemiscale : Phase 1 - MVP

    • updates on In Review, In Progress, and Available cards

    • create/nominate new cards for inclusion in this sprint

    • will post on #free-energy-benchmarking when next sprint is finalized

  • DD : demonstration of compute service running on vulkan, performing NEQ Cycling via perses; alchemiscale client workflow

  • DD : protein-ligand-benchmark : establish new working group, or use this one?

    • potential new participants

Discussion topics



JC – RG made a new PDB reader that should interoperate with OpenFF. Have we tested this?

  • JW – I think I tested it, but I’ve been meaning to make a new push for better PDB support and have integration with pdbinf be a part of that. So I’ll make sure to get tests in for this.

  • JC – Great. Thanks.


  • DD : sprint retrospective

    • Review Done cards

      • what went well?

      • what didn’t?

      • what do we need to improve our approach?

      • DD – (see recording) – HMO did some good work on NEQ cycling. We’ll talk more later.

  • DD : next sprint begins tomorrow, spans 3/22 - 4/3

    • architecture overview : PL Benchmarks on FAH - Architecture v6.drawio

      • JW – So basically synccompute became yellow, once that’s green we’ll test and work to make asynccomputeservice, and then once that’s done we’ll begin on F@H compute?

      • DD – Right.

    • alchemiscale 0.1.0 milestone

      • DD - Alchemiscale ??? – HMO is working on this, should update how task statuses work

      • DD –? (see recording)

    • coordination board : alchemiscale : Phase 1 - MVP

    • updates on In Review, In Progress, and Available cards

      • IP – Perses 1066 – Noneq cycling - Yesterday I worked with DD to make this work with alchemiscale infrastructure. Found an issue with mapping,opened an issue to discuss. But largely the protocol is working and I need to find the time to add the mdtraj storage fix. Then I need to do a bigger tests onm protien-ligand indstead of just small molecules in vaccuum. Then we need to ensure it gives consistent results for tyk2 compared to previous.

        • DD – Can this group support you in some way?

        • IP – Could use advice on noneq cycling/the theory and how to set up tests.

        • JC – One test could be as simple as doing a “null” free energy calc, where we expect the cycle to be 0. I can work with you on others.

        • JC – I think the OPenFE folks have been working on a repex version - We could also use that for comparison

        • RG – Yeah, we could use that for back-to-back testing.

        • DD – IP, could you schedule a meeting with me and JC to set up noneq stuff? Then once that’s done we can plug in the comparison with OFE.

        • IP – Sure, I think that will need to be next week.

        • IP – Also, how should we handle the mapping issue? (gufe 155) - Basically when you create ligand mapping object, you make a mapping from component a to component b. The keys are indices in A and the values are indices in b. Two questions.

          • Do we want a parameter to instead to component B to component A when you create the object?

            • DS – We should put this on the user - They can reverse the dict manually using a one-line comprehension. I think OpenFE can provide reversed mappings from some methods as well.

            • IP – Maybe we could have the mapping exposed after construction as well?

            • DS – Nah, I’m against this,it should be immutable after construction.

            • JW – Mapping is always int-to-int and never int-to-none?

            • DS – Right.

          • What do we mean by “A to B” in this context - Like above, we should explicitly say that keys are atom indices in component A and values are atom indices in component B.

            • DS – We should absolutely make sure the docstring reflects this.

      • JC – Perses 1128 – Making decent progress, should be quick but I’m wresting with grant proposals. Should be done in the next day or two. Though I noticed that doctests were broken so I’m fixing that as well. I could use a time machine.

        • DD – That’ll be great, this will let us test on the new version of PLB.

      • DD – Alchemiscale 34 – Synchronouscompute - Finalizing a few things around storage and lifecycle. Basically two more features to add.

      • RG – ExampleNotebooks 36 – We’d agreed that I’d switch it from noneq protoocol to repex protocol based on timing/ software availability. But I’m falling behind on this.

        • DD – I think I have what I need at the moment (RG showed me how to use lomap), so this isn’t blocking me or other developers.

    • Available

      • DD – Gufe 143 – Some things that we could be doing better - Could be good in GUFE 1.0, will work on this once alchemiscale is out.

        • RG – I’ve come around to largely agreeing with you. We can drop many (but not all) labels.

        • DS – If there are two different small molecule components with different ffs, this may require a lot of labels.

        • DD – Yeah, there’s at least one solution to that, we could discuss alternatives.

    • create/nominate new cards for inclusion in this sprint


    • will post on #free-energy-benchmarking when next sprint is finalized



  • DD : demonstration of compute service running on vulkan, performing NEQ Cycling via perses; alchemiscale client workflow

    • DD – Would love feedback.

    • (see recording)

  • DD : protein-ligand-benchmark : establish new working group, or use this one?

    • potential new participants

Action items
