Internal coordinate hessian target

Internal coordinate hessian target

1. Implementation of internal coordinate hessian target

  • Goal: replacement of vibrational frequencies fitting to internal coordinate hessian fitting.

  • Potential issue with the vibrational frequencies fitting: direct fit of MM sorted sequence of vibrational frequencies to QM sorted sequence of frequencies doesn’t guarantee the modes are correctly matched.

Target type


Target type


Vibrational frequencies target

  • compute QM and MM vibrational frequencies using normal mode analysis and sort from lowest to highest to yield sorted sequences respectively.

  • Objective function contribution: Sum of squared differences of QM and MM frequencies, scaled by a factor of d=200cm-1

Internal coordinate hessian target

  • Compute MM cartesian hessian and convert into primitive redundant internal coordinates.

2. Test fitting (comparison with vibrational frequencies fitting)

  • Targets: 10 targets from 2nd Gen. Roche set. (Same hessian data used to generate hessian and vibrational frequencies targets respectively);

  • Initial objective function(X2) set to 10 for each target;

  • Fitting result

    • MAE, Error of overlap matrix measured and plotted after permuting MM vibrational modes to maximize overlap with QM vibrational modes;




: mean absolute error of MM vib. freq. to QM vib. freq. after rearrangement

Error of overlap matrix

:|| Moverlap - I ||, Error of overlap matrix between QM and MM normal modes to identity matrix



: mean absolute error of MM vib. freq. to QM vib. freq. after rearrangement

Error of overlap matrix

:|| Moverlap - I ||, Error of overlap matrix between QM and MM normal modes to identity matrix

Initial guess



Vib. freq. targets

166.35 (16.4 %)

6.07 (0.3 %)

Hessian targets

127.10 (36.1 %)

5.28 (13.3 %)

(Values in the table are averages of the 10 targets, values in parentheses are percent decrease.)

  • target #004

    • Initial guess

    • Fitted to vibrational frequencies targets

    • Fitted to hessian targets (w/o normalization)


(1) normalization scheme






No normalization. Same weight on each hessian element.


weight on each element= 1/ sum of squared QM Hessian elements for each element type


weight1 + additional factor of 100 for diagonal elements

2021-02-03 ICH fitting

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