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FF choices | David H. | |
Input format
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Software approach | Josh | JH: Should have its own repo DH: Agree; should have its own repo TG: Wanted to do single points for TorsionDrive quite often; would tend to group this tooling with analysis approach DD: Agree on its own repo, will allow us to move quickly, have its own issue, PR space; will be duct-taping together components imported from QCSubmit, benchmarkff, etc.; generalizable things can make their way elsewhere if desired when we make things prettier
Missing components | David D. | DH: if we wanted to compare torsiondrives, then we would need new functions DD: Optimizations easy by comparison; hoping this remains out of scope; will get their opinions on 10/23
OpenEye warnings | David D. | |
“Readily usable” | David D. | What would count as readily usable data structures/output? JH: Have you ever used yank? produces a bunch of Jupyter notebooks, featuring rendered plots DH: Figures are good; data formats should be simple CSV files work, with column definitions JSON is readable, but a bit more complex