Updates |  | JW: last week, helped make initial release for industry consumption for burn-in; have both conda packages and single-file installers the release process feels a bit circular, environment file reflects master , so currently update it with version pin of openff-benchmark after release also did a bunch of cleanups; changed inter-conformer RMS; merged Josh’s coverage reporter PR (very impressive work!)
DH: testing at Janssen with burn-in dataset; switched to option C for optimizations, fewer filesystem timeouts it’s a workstation queue, so have to be careful with how we use resources got some complaints with memory usage for option B; switching to option C gives no complaints so far additionally looking into OPLS3e optimization protocol might be a bit of work to integrate it into workflow run FF builder, then run minimization would be nice if we had some default params so it’s a fair comparison
JW: you might have to budget two solid weeks of your time to making sure errors are handled well, outputs within expectation, etc. DD: can we call the schrodinger tooling through subprocess , feed in input structure, extract initial energy, final energy, final molecule from outputs, then put out an SDF as we do for the primary optimization path?
JH: finished up coverage report, Jeff merged DD: I worked with Jeff to react to burn-in feedback have resolution on coverage report stratification; will do no stratification, partners can share more info at their discretion JW: do we want to provide guidance on performance? JW: should we set a planned end date? Light a fire under slower partners, not punish fast partners or ones really trying with hairy infrastructure
Clear for release and production run start?
| David
| DD: my next several hours are devoted to release, protocol coverage report update, issuing instructions to partners DH: think we’re good to go JH: once you make that release, are you planning to run the public compounds as well? yes, this is the plan; do we want to use the same exact protocol with openff-benchmark ? JH: sounds good, yes I would use the same protocol as the partners are