ref: torsiondrive w/ MP2/6-311+G** → then optimize each frame with MP2/heavy-aug-cc-pVTZ → single point calculation with CCSD(T)/CBS
accuracy in optimized geometries
method: (1) optimization of each frame in the reference torsion scan with varying combination of methods and basis sets. Then compare RMSD with the reference or (2) run entire torsiondrive for each combination
effect of varying electronic structure theory (b3lyp/b3lyp-d3bj/ b3lyp-nl/ wb97x-v)
from conformational energies benchmarking paper. (they were used with def2-qzvp)
basis set: ?
effect of varying basis sets(def2 family, 6-31+g**, 6-311+g**)
functional: b3lyp-d3bj
accuracy in energy
method: single point energy calculation at the reference frames and compare the deltadelta energy
effect of varying electronic structure theory (b3lyp-d3bj/ b3lyp-nl/ wb97x-v)
from conformational energies benchmarking paper. (they were used with def2-qzvp)
basis set: def2-qzvp
effect of varying basis sets(def2 family, 6-31+g**, 6-311+g**)
functional: b3lyp-d3bj
Psi4 performance benchmark for a single gradient calculation of FGG114 on i7-6850K 1 core
b3lyp-d3bj/6-311+g** (603 s) b3lyp-d3bj/6-31+g**(456 s)
mp2/cc-pvtz(2372 s), mp2/heavy-aug-cc-pvtz(10934 s), mp2/6-311+g**(1211 s)