Today’s goals
Schedule daily standups (USA and AUS)
USA standups - 2 PM eastern/1 PM Central/11 AM Pacific
AUS standups - 2.45 pm PT
Schedule retrospective, stakeholder meeting, prioritization meeting for next Thursday
It would be nice to have everyone present for the same meeting for this, but we’d have to fight time zones to do it.
JE – How about retrospective+prioritization meeting Thursday the 23rd at 5 PM Eastern (lead team timeslot)?
JC – Works for me, since I have FF release right after, so I’m online anyway
MT – That’d work for me.
JE – Stakeholder meetings are already partially handled by existing recurring workgroup meetings.
JW – Some infrastructure areas have a lack of stakeholders - Interchange interop stuff doesn’t get much feedback, same with PDB loading and upcoming PTM workflow.
MT – Some meetings are infra stakeholder meetings. Internal benchmarking, QCSubmit, etc meetings. So we could either keep those and possibly evolve further, or we could start again from a blank slate.
JE – If current meetings are getting cancelled frequently, we should look at consolidating/collapsing meetings.
JE – Let’s revisit this at retrospective
JW – MT, JC, JE, ZB: Availability to do one consolidated “everyone” version of these as late as 7 PM Eastern/6 Central/4 Pacific every other week?JW – JM, LW: Ability to do a meeting 1-3 hours earlier every other week?
Zenhub account creation/intro
Review Proposed procedures (below)
Pick tickets
Proposed procedures
Daily standups, split by time zones:
MT + JW + JC + JE ( + LW if possible)
JM + LW + JW ( + JE if possible)
Kickoff meetings every other Mon (Tues AUS, x2 for time zones as above)
Stakeholder meetings (discuss how many/how frequently to have these to get relevant audience, eg. shirts lab members)
Postmortem + Prioritization meeting every other Thursday (Fri AUS) (hopefully consolidated into a single meeting)
Ticket lifecycle:
Adding tickets to New Items - Anyone adds at any time
Triaging “New Items” into Iceboxes/Backlogs/Current iteration - Only happens in prioritization meeting
Exception: Leads and PM can move “New Items” tickets to current iteration or backlog mid-sprint, but MUST make a brief post on some slack channel that we will make justifying the action. These posts will all be added to postmortem agenda, so if folks think it was inappropriate or process needs to be changed, they will be discussed.
Moving tickets into Current Iteration - Only happens during Iteration Planning
Once selected for Current Iteration, tickets are only moved between columns during standups/synchronous meetings
Retrospective notes
The sage-2.1.0 PR ticket doesn’t make sense, since we want to progress it, but not in this form. It will require meetings and stuff. So what do we do with the card corresponding to the PR?
Dataset longevity doesn’t have an epic, but does have tasks and a project page. When do we make new epics and who can link to/modify them?
Shut down check-ins channel?
To save time in iterations, should we make a “done” label that can be put on issues when they’re ready to advance columns?
Should we make a “required reviewer assignment” column?
JM subdivided the PDB loader task - How should we handle mid-sprint task subdivision?
JW – I approved a PR that was merged before the standup, which caused it to already be in the “closed” column before we talked about it.
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