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Progress updates
DH: started porting functions from benchmarkff, switching from openeye to rdkit, split out long functions into more granular pieces
also SDF files Victoria used were multi-conformer SDFs
likely need to store molecule id in the filename, but also internally as SDF data pairs; this can be used as a check for our loading machinery
JW: we pull in the data pairs with the openforcefield toolkit; write out only does single conformer.
data pairs go into; can round trip from and to SDFs
JH: any danger of using the toolkit on any of these steps? Will it e.g. add hydrogens / change protonation state?
JW: should be alright; haven’t seen a case where it changes hydrogen positions
JH: Deployment Procedure started here: Deployment Procedure . This is the document we’ll be referring back to constantly to get partners up and running, and especially to debug issues
JW: Started on id assignment, realized it will be a major validation step
filling in test data into openff/benchmark/data
Using click for the CLI
Need to ensure we don’t use OpenEye for anything by specifying toolkit_registry everywhere, or just pop off the OpenEye handler at the start under the imports
Being strict on inputs so we get what we need downstream.
DH: what about conformers that are already provided by partners.
DD: working on energy minimization deployment / optimization execution
JH: probably better not to abstract away datasets; would make it hard for users to expand their use of QCF later for other internal purposes (would have to relearn)
JW: Code snippet for handling SD data in OpenFF mols:
These last two lines are the result of the properties attribute in the code
DH: QM calculations first in original Lim paper; then MM starting from the QM
bit of a scientific question: want to ensure that we end up in basically the same minima in both MM and QM
JH: could achive two-stage compute as an error-cycling like approach; QM data that has finished is pulled then used as starting point for additions to the MM dataset
JH: If after the QM step export into SDF could be sufficient for allowing Schrodinger/OPLS3e execution
DH: Will verify with Mobley on whether this chaining is desirable/necessary
Action items
David Hahn will reach out to Mobley on whether MM optimizations should start from QM minima, or whether MM, QM should start from precisely the same conformer geometries
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