- Ben Pritchard will verify that no action necessary on TorsionDrives after regenerating a hanging INCOMPLETE Optimization
- Trevor Gokey will review the Protein Fragments Optimization submission
- Trevor Gokey will prototype a coverage analysis report that operates on TorsionDrive submissions
- Trevor Gokey will produce a draft of STANDARDSv3, create PR; aiming for adoption by mid-November
- Trevor Gokey will finish out multiprocessing performance improvements for QCSubmit components
- David Dotson will assemble components from QCSubmit to prototype SMARTS queries on TorsionDrive datasets
- Joshua Horton will add forcing of C1 on PCM specification to QCSubmit
- Trevor Gokey will include PCM==C1 in STANDARDSv3
- David Dotson will make BasicDataset changes in QCFractal to support wavefunction submissions