Ben Pritchard
New advancements
QCEngine release 0.17.0 up on Friday, conda package created
New production environments up as of Saturday: https://anaconda.org/openforcefield/environments
New Docker images built for each new environment: https://hub.docker.com/orgs/openforcefield/repositories
Can finally clear hanging INCOMPLETEs!!!(!)
Pre-existing output compression server side
New submissions
DD: Protein Fragments TorsionDrives (complete!)
TG: Enamine REAL subset Optimization
DD: Jessica Maat’s Phenyl resubmission (in preparation)
TG: PhAlkEthOH dataset (ready for review)
Discussion topics
JH: Protein Fragments Optimizations (resubmit with version bump, constraint indices 1-based)
JH: XTB methods on JACS set
DD: MM/ML on unfragmented JACS set
Upcoming infrastructure improvements
STANDARDS-based versioning #137
QCSubmit advancements - performance improvements from Trevor
Upcoming science support
Selection of TorsionDrives from a dataset by SMARTS matching
PCM-based implicit solvent pathway
ESPs and wavefunction storage
will examine next week; there are known Psi4 blockers that we need resolution on
Uploading datasets calculated on private server
Larger advances
Automated FF coverage gap identification, torsion prioritization, submission generation
Benchmarking (dashboard, etc.)
Discussion topics
Item | Presenter | Notes |
Hanging INCOMPLETEs | Trevor |
Protein Fragments Optimization | Josh + Trevor |
MM/ML dataset | David |
STANDARDSv3 | Trevor |
QCSubmit advancements | Josh + Trevor |
INCHI keys | Trevor |
TorsionDrive selection by SMARTS | David |
PCM-based implicit solvent | Trevor |
ESPs and wavefunction storage | Josh |