2020-06-25 Force Field Release meeting notes

2020-06-25 Force Field Release meeting notes


Jun 25, 2020


  • @Hyesu Jang

  • @Jeffrey Wagner

  • @Owen Madin

  • @Lee-Ping Wang

  • @Michael Gilson

  • @Christopher Bayly

  • @David Mobley

  • @Simon Boothroyd

  • @Jessica Maat (Deactivated)



Discussion topics









20 minutes

Electrostatic Refits



  • DM - refit hydroxyl lj parameter and fix the issue related to hydroxyl group will be meaningful.

  • MG - practicality of the fitting. correlation(near-linear dependency) between lj parameters(9 for now) and bcc parameters(~40) will lead a complex problem, chance to trap in false minimum. how to reach a meaningful minima

  • CIB - two strategies (1) use restraint so that it only allow limited movement (prevent unphysical final parameters) (2) usage of gradient of restraints

  • SB - same restraining weight or different weights for each parameter?

  • LPW - starting with the same prior width for all

  • CIB - starting from simpler vdw parameter set(MG’s suggestion), data-driven decision on how to differentiate the parameters

  • DM- step-by-step exploration of chemical spaces like we do for valence parameter improvemnt

  • CIB - MG had multiple minima, have you identified two or three clear minima that they can start with?

  • MG - it might be better to start from where we are now, rather than starting from multiple minima

  • LPW - global minima searching scheme can be applied, like basin-hopping


  • OM, SB - how many conformers should we use?

  • CB – the “10” in “ELF10” was determined almost entirely by availability of computational power, not any underlying theory. More confs is always good. Use omega to generate conformers and input the conformers to elf10 will choose which conformers to use

  • DM - ESP grids are already stored or will be stored in QM ARCHIVE, will ask in qcarchive channel.

  • CIB - to save CPU time, one thing can do is to get the conformers out of there use conformers as input of elf10

  • SB - level-of-theory for esp calculation, how about for biopolymers?

  • DM - compatibility issue. some of the small molecule ff might be refitted.

  • CIB - these are non-bonded parameters , which describes interaction between small molecules and biopolymers.

  • LPW - esp fitting module is implemented in fb attempting to assign charges to molecules. the feature should be improved to fit bcc.

Action items

Implementation of esp calculation in QCArchive