2023-03-15 Thompson/Wagner Check-in meeting notes

2023-03-15 Thompson/Wagner Check-in meeting notes


  • @Matt Thompson

  • @Jeffrey Wagner

Discussion topics





General updates

  • JW – MS offered again to have his lab test interchange conversions. We went back and forth a little bit on what that means. I’ll be drafting a “what is in scope for this testing/testing instructions” message and will bounce it off you. Will also mention that these won’t be urgently prioritized.

    • MT – Nobody needs my permission to do anything with interchange. I’m in an awkward position of gatekeeping how people will use it. So I’ll wait until problems are identified before I try to fix stuff. I don’t want this to turn into meetings or reading docs to people.

    • JW – Right, I’m angling this toward “getting things that are clearly wrong put up on the issue tracker”

    • MT – They should pursue their research aims, not do different stuff for my sake. I don’t think they should do testing for the sake of testing, but rather that they should just put Interchange in their workflows and let me know whether things go wrong.

  • MT – QCSubmit PRs aren’t moving - Who is responsible?

    • JW – DDotson - I’ll mention this to him next time we talk.

    • MT – There are two that should be easily mergable.



Issues and PRs


Action items
