Updates from MolSSI | BP – Nothing much. We sent in the proposal, should hear back fairly shortly (maybe next month) BP – I’m validating the next branch, and finding that there’s a problem when there’s a lot of intnerla workers connected (not compute workers, but something else) BP – Also some issue with the writeahead log in the produciton server. It’s filling up the disk faster than I expected. Now there’s like 500GB of postgres logs coming from 5GB of actual added content. DD – Is there a way to compact/prune the logs? BP – I should be keeping them for backups/as diffs. I think what’s happening is, if you make a change, the writeahead log doesn’t just store the change, it stores the entire page. And I think our database is really fragmented, it has to save a bunch of pages. DD – I wonder why this problem isn’t seen in other postgres databases. BP – I’m not sure, the solutions are things called “full vaccuum” or “repack”, basically defragmenting the database. So I’m going to keep working on this, but we had some weirdness recently where like the production server filled up.
DD – How’s capacity looking? DD – Could you send us minimum specs for server? BP – We were working with Dell to spec it out, ended up asking for $90k in grant to buy 64 cores, 0.5 TB RAM, 180 TB SSD (+backups for RAID6). Probably a hardware RAID controller. DD – Could you send the full spec sheet? BP – Sure
JW – I’ll push the governing board to go for the March equipment supplement, so you may get looped into that if they choose to go forward with it, BP.