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KCJ – If you’re creating meeting notes on a regular basis, read the instructions above – They’ll make your work much more impactful by making discussions discoverable in the future.
JW – Two ways of interacting with Confluence – through hierarchy and search bar. We hope that adding tags on pages will help with finding useful information on Confluence.
Workshop update
@Karmen Condic-Jurkic
KCJ – Scheduled for June 11 (a Friday). Current format is a 2-hour workshop – 1 hour presentation, 1 hour discussion. JW and SB will be lead presenters.
KCJ – After presentation, we will schedule more focused followup events that may require you to present or be involved in working session/discussions. That will be ~3 weeks after the actual event.
KCJ – We previously had a bit of activity in the blog posts, where people would update on the problems they’re studying. This had tapered off a few months ago, but we’d like to restart it. So, as a start, we’re going to try and have each person write one post per year (you can feel free to write more frequently). There is no required format or length; you can present however you like.
MT – I’ve started making actual releases of System object. I’ve worked witha few people to ensure that this would be useful, but only a few have turned into actual implementations. In the long run, we’d like to replace use of forcefield.create_open<MM>_system with forcefield.create_open<FF>_system. I’d like to find patient early adopters to try this out.
No need for research publication quality or complicated systems, just some examples for how people use OpenFF.
Installation docs:
Existing examples:
MT – There are some rough edges at the moment, and I don’t think it’ll be super easy to adopt, and the API may change in the coming weeks/months.
JW – Anyone who’s running create_openMM_system repeatedly with the same molecule and slightly different FFs would find this useful.
DM – If there are useful open-source projects that could use a home, OMSF could handle that. For example, orphaned repos that are of value to the community.
DM – We got a donation that will help with startup costs, OpenFF will get transferred later this year and OpenFE is also about to start in a few months.