2021-03-12 WBO/Impropers meeting notes
@Christopher Bayly
@David Mobley
@Pavan Behara
@Trevor Gokey
@Simon Boothroyd
@Jessica Maat (Deactivated)
Make sure to use the average improper angle, not improper angle calculated in a single way
Do a check of :
Improper applied three fold
Improper applied using the avg. improper angle
See if they are mathematically equivalent
Categorize the grid optimization datasets by planar, flat and intermediate (DM suggestion)
Try to come up with parameters based on these categorizations
Perform a fit on these
CB suggests looked at urea and seeing a potential around 3-5 kcal/mol and compare to amides which have a squishy improper angle
SB suggests try labeling the impropers with current FF and use these as a starting point for developing impropers
Redo example of wbo vs improper barrier, see if there is a correlation
start with a small example
see how torsion, valence and improper angles correlate
Try to do a refit for a specific chemistry
refit the torsion, improper and valence simultaneously
select maybe, sulfur improper, then check which molecules in grid opt and torsion dataset its applied, use these as targets for a refit