Transition Metal Forcefield Approach 1: Initial plan

Transition Metal Forcefield Approach 1: Initial plan

Initial approach as suggested stakeholder consensus.



Create a QM dataset from an existing chemical structure databases running optimization and single-point calculations for structures of primary interest. Only datasets of primary interest will be produced, containing:

  • Metal centers of primary interest: Pd, Fe, Zn, Mg, Cu, Li

  • Single metal centers

  • Ligand chemical space with organic compound elements: C, H, P, S, O, N, F, Cl, Br

  • Charged molecules {+1, 0, −1}e

  • QM output with properties such as: energies, forces, partial charges, multipole moments, spin states

  • High-spin Fe complexes (e.g. up to 5/2)

The final model chemistry (level of theory + basis set) must be determined for production.

These datasets will be run with the following workflow:

  1. Run with OPT calculation with GFN2-XTB

  2. Run SP at GFN2-xTB

  3. Run Opt at final level of theory

  4. Run SP at final level of theory

To achieve this the standard OpenFF QCA dataset submission pipeline must be adapted to address incompatibility of existing OpenFF infrastructure with Organometallic CMILES

GitHub link




 Milestones and metrics

Datasets will be labeled as DS#-XXX-1, e.g. DS1-CCD-1, which denotes dataset 1, taken from the CCD database, with the chemical space of primary interest defined above. The first number and the middle three letter code are always paired to avoid confusion between similar database abbreviations, e.g. CCD vs COD vs CSD. The last number denotes inclusion of metal centers of primary and one of the secondary chemical space expansions that are outside of the scope of this approach:












Add ability for conformers to be imported into qc-submit

Assess ability for conformers to be added into qc-submit

@Jennifer A Clark


Not started

Resolve qc-submit CMILES incompatibility with organometallic complexes

Determine if RDKit functionality will perform adequately

@Jennifer A Clark


Not started


If RDKit will not handle CMILES, skip for cif to qca interaction

@Jennifer A Clark


Not started


If RDKit will handle CMILES, assess work around for OpenEye, or implement error handling

@Jennifer A Clark


Not started

Curate opt training dataset

Filter PDB Chemical Component Dictionary (CCD) and submit DS1-CCD-1 and DS1-CCD-2 at BP86 / def2-TZVP

@Jennifer A Clark, Brent Westbrook

Jan. 15, 2025

In progress


Submit DS1-CCD-1 and DS1-CCD-2 at alternative model chemistries for assessment

@Jennifer A Clark


Not started


Choose model chemistry based off of DS1-CCD-1 and DS1-CCD-2

@Jennifer A Clark ,@Lily Wang


Not started


Filter Crystallography Open Database (COD) and submit OPT DS2-COD-1 and DS2-COD-2 at GFN2-XTB

@Jennifer A Clark


Not started


Filter CSD (cambridge strucural database) and submit OPT DS3-CSD-1 and DS3-CSD-2 at GFN2-XTB with structures neglected by tmQM

@Jennifer A Clark


Not started


Filter MPtrj: Materials Project Trajectory Dataset and submit OPT DS4-MPT-1 and DS4-MPT-2 at GFN2-XTB

@Jennifer A Clark


Not started


Submit DS2-COD-1 OPT at target model chemistry

@Jennifer A Clark


Not started


Submit DS3-CSD-1 OPT at target model chemistry

@Jennifer A Clark


Not started


Submit DS4-MPT-1 OPT at target model chemistry

@Jennifer A Clark


Not started

Curate electronic properties training dataset

Define primary and secondary properties of interest

@Jennifer A Clark , Chris Iacovella




Determine output protocol of primary properties of interest and implement

@Jennifer A Clark




Determine output protocol of secondary properties of interest and implement

@Jennifer A Clark




Submit DS1-CCD-1 Electronic Property calculation at target model chemistry

@Jennifer A Clark


Not started


Submit DS2-COD-1 Electronic Property calculation at target model chemistry

@Jennifer A Clark


Not started


Submit DS3-CSD-1 Electronic Property calculation at target model chemistry

@Jennifer A Clark


Not started


Submit DS4-MPT-1 Electronic Property calculation at target model chemistry

@Jennifer A Clark


Not started


Progress and findings

Curated data (or similar title)



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