Biopolymer Force Field

Biopolymer Force Field

This is a placeholder page to begin discussion/planning regarding biopolymer force fields. @David Cerutti (Deactivated) will soon begin working in this area. On Slack, see #ff-biopolymers.


Build an OpenFF protein force field

Objectives for 2020:

  • Bring in an AMBER protein force field to SMIRNOFF format

  • Build an OpenFF protein force field (and later, biopolymer) which includes protein-specific parameters where needed (especially torsions) but works naturally with the small molecule force field


Project leader: @David Cerutti (Deactivated)

Team members: @Jeffrey Wagner @David Mobley and others TBD


@Michael Shirts - let us know when Cerutti start date looks likely to be (resolved, he is starting now).
@David Mobley and @Jeffrey Wagner coordinate re Cerutti onboarding/initial work plan


Meeting notes:

Helpful resources: