Force Field Optimization

Force Field Optimization

This page contains an overview of the projects/studies aimed at improving the FF optimization process in general. Specific features and decisions made for each FF optimization cycle should be recorded in Force Field Releases.





Main objective: Refine and improve FF optimization process.

Project driver: @Lee-Ping Wang @David Mobley @Michael Shirts

Objectives for 2020:

  • Identify and improve poorly performing parameters in Parsley

  • Perform feasibility study for property calculations in FF optimization and benchmarking

  • Design a systematic procedure for selecting molecules for QM optimization/scanning from potentially available datasets (and possibly in some cases finding unusual chemistries outside datasets we have on hand)

Team members: @Hyesu Jang @Jeffrey Wagner @Simon Boothroyd @Jessica Maat (Deactivated)


Scientific Questions

Scientific Questions

  • ForceBalance:

    • Cross-validation: Multiple fitting stages using the same training set and computing parameter uncertainties based on the observed changes?

    • Stochastic gradient optimization techniques? 

  • Have we selected right QM level of theory?

    • Do we have to be consistent across the use cases / types?

    • Can we use it to inform LJ?

      • Can we focus on the subset of molecules with strong steric interactions? Do those inform LJ effectively (more so than full set of molecules?)

    • Can we use ANI / Where can we use ANI?

  • What things should be co-optimized, when, and how much does it help?

    • Co-optimization of torsions and LJ parameters?

  • Should water model be co-optimized with FFs?

  • Does optimization get harder with more parameters?

  • Use of Dimensional reduction (PCA) in optimizations? 

  • Constrained parameterization for coupled FF parameters (for example, angles in benzene etc)?

  • Can Hessians identify soft degrees of freedom that should be driven?

  • How do we derive GBSA parameters?

  • H-bonds in fitting? Two versions -- one with and one without? What is the proper way to use constrained hydrogen bonds in QM fitting?

  • How do alternate RESP models impact accuracy?

  • How much do virtual sites help?

  • How much does polarization help? Which model (Drude, point polarizable, fluc-q) is best, or how do they compare?

  • What data types to get better results?

  • How do we use optimization trajectories to help?

Infrastructure Requirements

Desired features:

  • Cross-validation capability

  • Scaling ForceBalance

  • Internal coordinate Hessian for fitting
