1. Issue with amide cic-trans preference

Cis-trans preference is expressed as a one-fold cosine function in torsion term. To properly describe cis-trans preference of N-methyl acetamide, the k2 value(spring constant of one-fold cosine function. f(theta)= k1*(1+cos(2*theta-180)) + k2*(1+cos(1*theta))) seems to be around 1.5 kcal/mol.

Torsional energy profiles of N-methyl acetamide

Initial guess for the k2 was set to 2.0kcal/mol, which seems a pretty reasonable value, but it decreases during the fitting to QM amide torsional energy profiles. (in fitting v1.3.0)

Torsion k2 parameter changes during the optimization

To figure out the origin that decreases the k value of one-fold term, gradient contribution at the initial guess has been plotted.

Negative gradient w.r.t the spring constant of one-fold cosine of t70c

2D images and energy decoupling plots of the targets with the biggest gradient contribution to the spring constant of one-fold cosine of t70c

QM energy profiles of the targets with the most negative gradient contribution w.r.t the t70c k2 value show the energy gap between cis and trans conformers are much smaller(close to zero) than other amides. Therefore, separating those from t70c might be able to allow t70c to have large enough k2 value, so that it can keep the t70c term from losing its cis trans preference. So i came up with the new child parameter of t70, t70e and ran test fitting to see the impact of the additional parameters.

2. Test fitting results

(1) RC2


k1*(1+cos(2*theta-180)) + k2*(1+cos(1*theta))



 k1=2.49e+00, k2=1.54e+00



k1=2.47e+00, k2=9.12e-01






k1=6.98e-01 , k2=8.60e-01

A closer look at the QM torsional energy profiles t70e being fitted, shows that depending on the functional groups attached to the amide nitrogen, they get different cis-trans preferences. So for RC6 and RC7, I defined more specific SMIRKS for t70e(in-ring sp2 carbon having a single bond with either oxygen or sulfur(RC6) or sp2 carbon in 5-membered ring(RC7)) and fitted the parameters.

(2) RC6


k1*(1+cos(2*theta-180)) + k2*(1+cos(1*theta))



 k1=2.47e+00, k2=1.55e+00



k1=2.45e+00, k2=-6.24e-01






k1=1.42e+00 , k2=1.10e-01

(3) RC7
