
Derive force field parameters for proteins consistent with the OpenFF small molecule force field.

Primary Driver

Chapin Cavender


Michael Gilson

Supporting Drivers

Stakeholders (these people will be tagged in project update notifications on Slack)

Jeffrey Wagner Pavan Behara Iván Pulido Lily Wang Joshua Horton David Mobley

Project Manager

Diego Nolasco (Deactivated)

Page Owner (only this person can edit this page)

Chapin Cavender

Decision authority

Unanimity of Primary Driver and all Approvers (absences are vetos), only in “Biopolymer FF call” meetings

Veto authority: Primary Driver, any Approver

Discussion/notification venue

Fortnightly “Biopolymer FF call” meetings (decision forum). NOT “FF release call” meetings.

#ff-biopolymers channel on OpenFF slack and “FF release call” meetings (notification and discussion, no major decisions allowed here. It is not assumed that meeting attendees have read the slack discussions, they must be summarized during meetings to be considered in decisions)

Meeting notes

2022 Protein FF meeting notes

Due date


Key outcomes

  • Extensible SMIRNOFF format for amino acid residues

  • Training datasets for 20 natural amino acids

  • Selection of FF model for proteins

  • One or more sets of OpenFF parameters for the 20 canonical amino acids

  • Identification of key benchmark systems



We need SMARTS strings that can specify protein-specific terms for general amino acids. To summarize the discussion here: https://openforcefield.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/createpage.action?spaceKey=MEET&title=2020-04-01%20AMBER%20FF%20porting%20meeting%20notes

Training datasets

This is a list of datasets that could be used to train protein-specific force field parameters.

Relevant small molecule datasets from Parsley

Needs to be determined. In particular, did Parsley train on dipeptides or tripeptides for any of the 20 canonical amino acids?

Dataset name

Dataset type

QC method


QCA submission



Protein-specific datasets

Cerutti tetrapeptides are a set of 185 tetrapeptides with sidechains X-Y-X, X in [Ala, Gly, Ser, Val], and Y in [Ala, Arg, Ash, Asn, Asp, Cys, Glh, Gln, Glu, Gly, Hid, Hie] excluding (X == Ser && Y == Glu). David Cerutti selected multiple conformers for each tetrapeptide.

Dataset name

Dataset type

QC method


QCA submission


OpenFF Protein Fragments Initial



16 tetrapeptides with sidechains X-Ala-X and X in [Ala, Gly, Ser, Val]


OpenFF Protein Fragments version 2



Cerutti tetrapeptides with constraints to avoid hydrogen bonds


OpenFF Protein Peptide Fragments constrained v1.0



Cerutti tetrapeptides with constraints to avoid hydrogen bonds


OpenFF Protein Peptide Fragments unconstrained v1.0



Cerutti tetrapeptides with no constraints


OpenFF Protein Fragments TorsionDrives v1.0

TorsionDrives on ϕ, ψ, ω, χ1, and χ2


Cerutti tetrapeptides


(22 / 845 errored)

OpenFF PEPCONF OptimizationDataset v1.0



PEPCONF dataset


(6000 / 7560 errored)

OpenFF Benchmark Ligands



OpenFF FEP benchmark



We envision several tiers of models, presented below in order of increasing anticipated effort. We will generate and benchmark lower-effort models first and use the results of the benchmarks to inform decisions about higher-effort models.

Null Model

The null model is that the small molecule force field already describes proteins well and needs no protein-specific parameters. Valence parameters (bonds and angles), torsions, and Lennard-Jones parameters will be copied from the small molecule force field. Parsley was trained on compounds that resemble protein backbone and sidechain analogs, so these parameters are likely a good first pass at describing polypeptide chains. Partial charges could be derived in several ways:

Protein-specific Torsion (PST) Model

The Protein-specific Torsion Model includes protein-specific torsion terms, while other valence parameters (bonds and angles) and Lennard-Jones parameters will be copied from the small molecule force field. Charges will be derived using one of the methods described in the Null Model. Protein-specific torsions for the backbone torsions (ϕ, ψ, and ω) and sidechain torsions (χ1, maybe χ2) will be derived by fitting to QC datasets using dipeptides, tripeptides, and tetrapeptides. The dihedral angles with protein specific terms will be a subset of:

A major decision for this model is which sidechains should have unique torsions that override the general peptide backbone torsion. We envision using the Protein Fragments Optimization and TorsionDrive datasets as the primary training data. Then, other datasets such as PEPCONF can be used as validation data to make decisions about the model. Alternatively, automated chemical perception (Chemical Perception) may be used to identify dihedrals that are not described well in the Parsley training set. The resulting model will likely be the candidate for the first protein force field release.

CMAP model

The CMAP model includes a protein-specific correction map (CMAP) that fits a 2D potential in ϕ and ψ to QC datasets. This model uses the same valence parameters, Lennard-Jones parameters, and charges as the Torsion Model. The largest obstacle to generating this model is specifying the CMAP potential in the SMIRNOFF format.

Protein-specific Torsions & Lennard-Jones (PSTLJ) Model

The Protein-specific Torsions & Lennard-Jones Model includes protein-specific terms for torsions (as in the PST Model) and protein-specific Lennard-Jones parameters. Valence parameters (bonds and angles) will be copied from the small molecule force field. Charges will be derived using one of the methods described in the Null Model. Protein-specific torsions will be derived in the same way as the PST Model or the CMAP model. Protein-specific Lennard-Jones parameters will be derived by fitting to experimental data for dipeptides or small molecule analogs. It is likely that some curation will be necessary to learn what data is available, but examples include:

A major decision for this model is which set of Lennard-Jones types should be fit. This choice will be helped immensely by automated Lennard-Jones typing using Monte Carlo sampling, which is still under development.


Experimental datasets are being curated to evaluate protein force fields. These datasets will be published as a LiveCoMS review, described here: /wiki/spaces/COMMS/pages/1927413777. It will be useful to identify a small number of key benchmarks that can interrogate distinct physical properties of proteins and that can be completed relatively quickly (~1 month). These key benchmarks will be used to evaluate force field models and make decisions about more complex models.

Milestones and deadlines






Generate Null Model with Amber library charges

Chapin Cavender


Generate Null Model with AM1-BCC library charges

Chapin Cavender


Waiting on infrastructure for getting polymer charges from fragments

Choose key benchmarks to quickly evaluate force field models

Biopolymer FF group


In parallel with LiveCoMS review

Run key benchmarks for Null Models with library charges

Chapin Cavender

Maybe others


Decide on QC data for PST Model

Biopolymer FF group


Started by Dave Cerutti

Run QC calculations for PST Model

Chapin Cavender


Started by David Dotson and Trevor Gokey

Fit PST Model with one general term for all sidechains

Chapin Cavender


Decide on sidechain-specific terms for PST Model

Biopolymer FF group


Fit PST Model with sidechain-specific terms

Chapin Cavender


Run key benchmarks for PST Models

Chapin Cavender

Maybe others


Generate charges using graph convolutional networks

Chapin Cavender


Need update on feasibility from Chodera group

Fit CMAP model, if necessary

Chapin Cavender


Waiting on CMAP infrastructure

Fit PSTLJ model, if necessary

Chapin Cavender


Manual or automated LJ typing