in fb-fit/targets/td_OpenFF_Gen_2_Torsion_Set_1_Roche_2_020_C12H15NO/metadata.json
Will all vibration frequencies be present in optimizations?
Separate by data/QC job type?
Make two pdf and smi files – One with all unique molecules (period), and another with molecules separated by data type, and highlighting driven torsions.
Let’s take the low-hanging fruit first (just list all unique SMILES and 2D structures), and get more elaborate if people ask. Scrolling through ~20 pages of highlighted torsions isn’t feasible anyway.
Identifier in PDF, which is also attached to SMILES
Name? SMILES itself?
Try doing SMILES in really small font, and only have three or four rows, so that people can Ctrl-F for their molecule of interest in the PDF.
What’s the best way to make benchmarking 3D structures available?
The set is hard to wrangle (due to overlap with fitting data), so let’s not worry about 3D structures initially
Benchmarking mols
Just repost Hahn’s molecules
Are these the same as in benchmarkff?
Record process for converting 1.2.0 release package to SMI/PDF
Version Hahn’s molecules?
Future plans
Making this part of release checklist in the future?
Replacing mol2 with SDF in the future?
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