I made this committee largely with placeholder rules and no limitations on what the committee could do, with the intent for the first committee actions to be “coming up with better rules”
Do want to have monthly-ish meetings?
Are we happy with committee composition?
Should all decisions continue to require unanimity?
DLM background:
Current process owned too much by infrastructure team, including:
Creates perverse/adverse incentives: Requires a huge amount of work to define the work that needs to be done.
Possible new procedure:
The infrastructure team is only involved in review, final approval, and implementation; there needs to be another driver
Driver has the right to limit scope, e.g. “This is a good thing to consider but falls outside scope of current proposal; suggester can create new proposal and be driver on that”
Add LJPME to spec
Clarify switching function
✅ Action items
⤴ Decisions
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