TG: we need to know which molecules are failing here
DD: can we try to build this dataset with rdkit first? If that isn’t possible, can resort to openeye
HJ: sounds good, will try to build with rdkit and let you know if that isn’t possible
JH: dihedrals are tagged; when you enumerate in qcsubmit, tags are lost
EnumerateStereoisomers will lose the tags, so want to tag the dihedrals you want to drive after
SB: you may not need to enumerate stereoisomers for this one; may make sense to not use it at all here
SB: once we have the steps hammered out, we’ll have probably 2000 mols, so up to 2000 torsiondrives
might be able to pare it down to 500
if after full dedup, applying an hbond filter, aim to have 2000 torsiondrives to do
might be about 2 months worth of compute
TG: one thing that can improve the speed of torsiondrives: if your range of conformers span the dihedral range, that gives the service better starting points
that would be an optimization to the process that can really help
SB: TG do you have another HPC resource?
switched from 100 to 300 on HPC3
OpenFF Aniline 2D Impropers
SB: submit following the torsiondrives set above
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