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Discussion topics
JW: big goal is to add dataset expansion option
refactored first two steps so all reading/writing happens in CLI layer
fixed problem with RDKit generating really bad conformers - so bad, double bonds nowhere near flat
when toolkit tries to load, gets confused perceiving stereochemistry of these bonds
fixed by writing file out to tmpfile, read it back
refactored tests to use click.testing
switched conformer generation to use a different alignment, rms method. Using GBRMS.
Planning to update Josh’s conformer generation branch with these changes and get parallelized generation merged
Dataset appending next
DH: worked on analysis tools under report subcommand; extended a bit using different input
demo of compare-forcefields; working on tests next
JW: how well does it handle missing data?
DD: should only need to handle cases of missing MM results where QM conformer present
demo of match-minima: CSV outputs indicating the MM conformer closest to the given QM conformer
demo of plots: individual conformer and aggregate plots
DD: for plot generation, we specify the reference method; can we use that information to leave the reference method’s values out of the plots?
DH: can do
DH: implementing tail parameters analysis next
Ready for review?
index dropping work; almost resolved
the smirnoff99Frosst issue is harder to solve; not a problem in QCSubmit, so could be in one of QCEngine, openmmforcefields; problem doesn’t show up on Mac (probably due to case-insensitivity of FS); thinking it’s the capital F in Frosst
analysis env:
DH: possible that seaborn has a negative interaction with click
Adding feature richness to optimize
Can pull up progress part
Can extract results for specific molecules
Added debug-from-server – Attempts to rerun locally. In the future I’d like to make this return the successful result to the server.
DD – Currently about a 15% error rate
JW – What is target error rate?
DD – 5%. I think we can get there using local runs when server fails (debug-from-server) and better geomeTRIC settings..
DH – Getting a lot of miscellaneous errors when I run compute
DD – The errors you’re seeing are probably related to file system access errors. Should contact admins to see if they can increase access limits.
JH: only warning qcsubmit does is if the molecule is charged
JW: protons added/removed, etc. - might be RDKit
JH: is that RDKit trying to rationalize the input?
JW: appears so
optimize submit: when an error happens with a molecule, would be helpful to know which; when doing molecule iterations, always indicate which is being worked on
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