JH – QCSubmit is nearly ready to go
JC – HX, you can check out the status on SiliconTXtorsionbehcmarkset1 on QCPortal
JH – Currently I assume that molecule is correctly formed/specified
JH – Worked together with Matt Thompson on quality checks in QCSubmit
JC – should checks live in QCSubmit or OFFTK?
JW – While it needs additional dependencies and iterates quickly, we decided to keep it separate
JH – Running OpenMM calculations on QCA will require releases of OpenMM, OpenFF Toolkit, QCEngine
We could make a command line interface to bespoke workflow
JW – We’ll want to be very deliberate with how we build out infrastructure. If we’re not careful, we’ll wind up with Josh doing infrastructure support.
DM – It’d be interesting to see what fragmentation behavior is – Like, some preliminary data on how many fragments we get from fragmenting common kinase inhibitors may be instructive
JH – Conformer generation seems to take a long time