Peter Eastman
Nathan Frey
Chris Iacovella
Meeting recording: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/RMWSgvWWaHxGVQkx3lKqjjtxh8tjDVLKvPDk923g7lxxhC5JfzTvcLUn7QoY6Z5M.SgydvO62nLAxbOR2?startTime=1691528614000
DD : increase frequency of meeting to once weekly?
General agreement
Aug 29: MolSSI will take over
PE : remaining questions on submission, execution in the context of SPICE
SPICE v1.x was submitted and managed via openforcefield/qca-dataset-submission; how should future iterations of SPICE be submitted/managed?
input for each dataset is defined by an HDF5 file; where does the code exist to parse this?
how do we specify spin multiplicity for each molecule in Psi4? This information is not included in the input HDF5 file we used
what is the preferred route for re-running known bad calculations?
previously it was to create a new version of the same dataset with entries translated by >1bohr for each bad record; is this still recommended?
is there a way to set constraints to restrict Psi4 version to execute with?
what must I do to set up a worker on a cluster for running calculations? Documentation for this (https://molssi.github.io/QCFractal/admin_guide/managers/setup.html ) is currently empty
the code reviewed in the
tutorial is not in themain
branch of the repository; is it actually ready to use?
MolSSI QCArchive user group
user questions / issues / feature request
server instance statuses
QCArchive Legacy
QCArchive OpenFF
currently retains everything from Legacy
will lose ML datasets at some point
QCArchive ML
mostly only contains ML datasets
QCArchive Validation
MolSSI internal projects
QCArchive Demo
test instance
compute resources statuses
call for new users
upcoming PortalClient trainings
upcoming compute manager trainings
deployed stack versions:
QCArchive Legacy
QCArchive OpenFF
QCArchive ML
QCArchive Validation
New datasets
OpenFF Optimization Diverse Fragments with Iodine (w/ ESPs)
OpenFF Optimization Diverse Fragments with Bromine (w/ ESPs)
OpenFF Optimization Hypervalent Sulfurs (w/ ESPs)
Updates from stakeholders
Chodera Lab / ASAP Discovery
QCFractal development
QCFractal v0.50.0 - imminent
v0.70.0 milestone:
Github link macro link https://github.com/MolSSI/QCFractal/milestone/19
Additional business
MolSSI QCArchive Working Group start date: 8/29
- David Dotson will create 1.3 versions for SPICE datasets to correct for wrong results as part of Chodera Lab activities
- psi4 version 1.61