Workshop prep | Follow ups from last time JW – Remember that it’ll be very valuable in this talk to say what WON’T work as input. Can be formats, macromolecule types, or anything Look into whether pdbqr to pdbqt is safe to do with MDA
Rehearsal notes: Install instructions? Explain whether we could have used the original ligand coords or if we needed to dock Your mouse is very small on the zoom window - Dwell longer and circle slowly on things you’re highlighting When referencing text using your mouse pointer, please highlight it since otherwise it’s hard to spot. See about getting a bigger mouse pointer JW will slack JM if he needs to square protein visualizations up For docking section, mention “autodock vina” early on, and then you can talk about DockString, but it might confuse people to talk about its SMILES-to-docking funcitonality, since we don’t use it. Mention that, for non-neutral ligands, the docking and solvating workflow won’t result in a neutral charge, so warn the audience and/or handwave about solutions. Have a backup for if the interchange creation takes 10 minutes again (maybe a pre-charged ligand and a code block to load it)