Item | Presenter | Notes |
Project Updates | JE | In-person work week in Irvine was a blast! Special thanks to David for arranging nearly all the logistics and shuttling us in his Sprinter van Thanks to everyone who wrote a blog post. If you have any final edits to make, please get them in soon (or at least clearly communicate with me when you will do them) so I can hand all of these over to OMSF.
Image Added |
Science Updates | LW | |
Infrastructure Updates
| JW | |
PTM Workflow | JW | Github link macro |
link | |
DC – Question about charge assignment - Does this avoid triggering AM1BCC charge assignment? MT – If you ask to do AM1BCC on 5000 atoms, you will get a warning. I believe we set the cutoff at 100 heavy atoms. JW – we have a function that assigns a dummy library charge to every smirks pattern, to make sure am1bcc never gets invoked at that stage
DD – You said there’s a tricky spot in the middle where you have to produce your own mapping of atom names. Is there a way around that in the future?
| Project Updates | JE |
Rebranding NAGL | JE | NAGL is a GNN library we have used to train a model to reproduce AM1BCC charges We have been referring to this model internally as “NAGL charges,” but the model needs a name distinct from the tool used to create it Will probably need to name models as e.g. “nagl-am1bcc-feb2025” Would like a catchy name to replace the “nagl-am1bcc” part, ideally one that could be adapted for future models such as e.g. “nagl-resp2” Brainstorming ideas welcome! MT – Point 3 is basically already the case for file names. I do use “sage” in conversation instead of “openff-2.2.1”, so I recognize the need to do that here. DC – What does NAGL actually stand for? DC – To demonstrate the problem, consider something like NAGL$_{{\rm MBIS}}$(Q,$\mu$,V) - I’m writing a paper and am not sure how to name my model, and there aren’t naming/branding guidelines from OpenFF. DD (chat) – Since we're using herbs for FFs, should we use another class of cooking ingredients? JC (chat) – Citrus like, Clementine MT (chat) – Peppers?
Shouts-outs | JE | |
Q&A | | Feedback on the watch party format? JM – If we are trying use social media to push these videos, we should stagger the release so we aren’t posting two or more videos on the same day. Space them out by a week