- Trevor Gokey will restart all INCOMPLETES that have data across recent OpenFF datasets, getting list of INCOMPLETEs from Ben to intersect with
- David Dotson will proceed with submitting all conformers in Protein Fragments TorsionDrive dataset; leaving out constraints entirely
- David Dotson will add xtb to kitchen sink prod env, as well as give it its own targeted prod env
- David Dotson will create a minimally-complex set of tools to enable SMARTS matching on TorsionDrive datasets for Jessica, Dominic as a PR to QCSubmit
- Joshua Horton will pursue psi4 forcing of symmetry to C1 on PCM usage with Ben Pritchard
- Joshua Horton will prepare a constraint-indices-fixed version of the Protein Fragments Optimization dataset
- Trevor Gokey will consult with David Mobley on interest in an unconstrained Protein Fragments Optimization dataset