Versions Compared


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Discussion topics


  • JW –

    • Am I blocking on AWS work?

      • MT – No, currently working on pytorch stuff

    • Fragmenter CI had some issue that you identified as upstream. Details?

      • MT – Not sure but there are multiple possibilities

        • Some incompatibiltiies with pint 0.24. Might require toolkit upgrades

        • Some fragments can make NaN charges, possible interaction with Quantity/pint stuff but was unable to reproduce/this doesn’t seem like the most promising avenue.

  • MT – FYI – My objective at the Irvine meeting is to finalize an Interchange 1.0 roadmap. Will also be opening the floor to ideas before then, will circulate a form to seek stakeholders and collect their feedback. From that, I’ll formulate the interchange roadmap and will give you veto power. Not planning to present to board for approval or anything.

    • JW – This sounds like a good plan. I’ll bring up with lead team but I suspect there won’t be board-level input, though PMs and boards can compel me to do things like veto. In a sense, what we want is for anyone who would approve/veto to have just provided feedback earlier.

    • MT – Yes, this is hitting the distinctions that I want - 1. that every board member doesn’t talk to me directly all the time and disrupt my work and 2. that stakeholders should identify themselves and give feedback about what they use/want.

Action items

