Let me know ASAP if there’s anything glaringly wrong - Will send for initial posting in about 24 hours (though we can make small changes after that)
Retreat schedule is coming together - Suggestions for activities?
Must be unrelated to deliverables and come with no implication of followup
Current suggestions include a hike to the beach, seeing if ChatGPT can eat our docs and run valid simulations, or a discussion where Josh M nerds out about his opinions on docs.
Bespokefit 0.2.1 released - Compatible with ForceBalance 1.9.5 and OFFTK >=0.11
Interchange 0.3 just dropped
Expect OFFTK 0.13 soon - Will come with ability to load multicomponent PDB files (proteins+waters+monoatomic ions+small mols) to Topology objects