MT’s prepared “interoperability requirements” | Interoperability Requirements [WIP] We need reverse look ups (get residues from atoms and vice versa). Not just the name. Can a residue contain multiple molecules? Distinction between molecule hierarchy and topology hierarchy? topology.topology_molecules[0] → one indexing system <HierarchyScheme with iterator “hier_mols” …> topology.hier_mols[0] → another indexing system, determined by atom metadata
Will a residue know its bonds? Will it know its bonds to other residues? Will the assignment of “amber-ish” atom types + residue names play well with output formats? Do parameter lookups go through (atom type) or (atom type, residue name)? In the former case, we’ll need to solve the atom type compression problem. Figure out how virtual sites Make sure that merge molecules will actually work with proton addition/removal Prepare a pair of alchemically related systems, providing an atom map.