TAGNAME needs to correspond to the “second-level”? SMIRNOFF element names (also sometimes referred to as “Section headers”, but generally meaning 'things like the word “Bonds” or “ProperTorsions”'). This is used to populate a registry of ParameterHandler classes, and as a SMIRNOFF OFFXML file is being parsed, second-level tag/element names (as strings, for example the string “Bonds”) are used to look up which kind of ParameterHandler to initialize, based on its TAGNAME.
INFOTYPE is used internally while a ParameterHandler is being initialized. It tells the ParameterHandler which ParameterType constructor should parse each element in its parameter list. This takes advantage of the architecture, as the __init__ function for ParameterType is very similar to a deserializer. For example, the BondHandler’s INFOTYPE is BondType. For each bond, the attributes (like k, length , smirks, id, etc) are passed as kwargs to the BondType.__init__ function.
KWARGS is known_kwargs, but renamed. This is the list of keyword arguments to intercept from a user’s top-level call to create_openmm_system. For example, the fractional_bond_orders_from_molecules keyword argument to create_openmm_system is actually there to carry information to BondHandler and ProperTorsionHandler. The developers guide should refer to the all-capital version (_KWARGS).
IT’s not actually clear that exposing this accomplished anything that inspecting the create_force methods of all registered parameterhandlers in a ForceField could do. One reverse-compatible way forward could be to inspect the create_force and postprocess_system methods if KWARGS is undefined.
SCALETOL is a attribute of Electrostatics, GBSA, and vdWHandlers, that is specific to their implementations. This does not need to be documented.
DEPENDENCIES is a list of classes of ParameterHandlers that MUST run (if present) before this one. If a ForceField does not contain a ParameterHandler that is listed as a dependency of this one, that’s OK (no error is raised). Use of DEPENDENCIES is frequently inevitable, but is generally considered to be “bad”. In a perfect world, the energy components of a system would be entirely modular and not need to know anything about each other.
Wherever both ParameterAttribute and IndexedParameterAttribute are mentioned, also include MappedIndexedParameterAttribute
Scale stuff?? - Don’t document
Remove additional CSS stylesheet
Is my interpretation of ParameterType and ParameterAttribute correct?
New tasks?
explain PRs from forks thing? Better
workflow for users to access examples (without needing to go into miniconda directories